LiuA,SingA,and BiHong
畢製生|蔡慈庭TSHUA Tsu Ting、邱子耘CHIU Tzu-Yun、周潔潔ZHOU Jie-Jie

The tinkling sound of the wind chimes, the aggravating apple snail, the soothing harmonica, and the sudden thundershower in the afternoon. These were what Luia’s summer made out of.
The Kua-á-hì stage at the temple yard, the unknown photographer, the excitement of debut, the unfinished cigarette, and the bittersweet harmonica. These were what Singa’s summer made out of.
The scattered hair and dance moves, the drifting raft by the lake, the sliding water drops between hair, and the boisterous feast of the full moon. These were what Bihong’s summer made out of. '
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